When a pizza delivery guy resembles LeBron James: The hilarious responses of those who encounter him

LeBron James, the renowned basketball player who also happens to be the owner of Blaze Pizza, decided to treat his fans in Cleveland by giving away free slices of the chain’s latest addition to their menu – the 14-inch pizza. It’s no wonder they call him ‘the King’.

Everyone' surprise reaction when they meet delivery guy looks like LeBron James

On Monday, a Twitter video was shared featuring LeBron James, or as he jokingly called himself, Ron. Fans were surprised to see him holding a stack of pizza boxes as he greeted them. He even wore a handmade hat and pretended to be a pizza delivery guy, offering people whole pizzas and taking selfies with them. Everyone was amused by his antics, except for one guy who didn’t seem to care and ignored him.

Everyone' surprise reaction when they meet delivery guy looks like LeBron James

“Hey there, how’s it going?” the guy greeted me. “I’m Ron,” he introduced himself and began sharing about Blaze’s latest offer – a large pizza made with real ingredients that’s perfect for sharing. It’s not cold and there’s no need to worry about the toppings getting frosty either.

Let me introduce you to some of our unique and delightful pizza toppings, including artichoke and lettuce. True enthusiasts were not convinced by Ron’s disguise as he only wore a hat to mask his identity. Despite this, he refused to abandon his persona. “I am not Ron,” he stated. When a fan referred to him by his real name, LeBron, he responded with, “I don’t know who LeBron is.” LeBron shared the advertisement featuring Ron on his Twitter account with the message, “What can I say?! Ron is just an average guy. And we’re excited to unveil our new LARGE BLAZE Pizza.”

Everyone' surprise reaction when they meet delivery guy looks like LeBron James

According to a spokesperson for the brand, customers can now customize their 14-inch pizza or choose from Blaze’s classic options such as Meat Eater, Green Stripe, Veg Out, or BBQ Chicken. It would be interesting to know which pizza LeBron James prefers.

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