“LeBron James Dons a Pink Ensemble to Attend a Barbie Movie Screening”

Have you caught a glimpse of the photos of the legendary basketball player LeBron James decked out in pink attire, allegedly attending the latest Barbie movie premiere? These pictures have been making rounds on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, creating quite a buzz. Nevertheless, they turned out to be completely fabricated.

From time to time, some photos featuring LeBron James with accessories like a pink purse are being shared on social media. These pictures are usually captioned with “LeBron James on the Barbie movie”. Moreover, in one of these images, James can be seen sporting a pink skirt, although it is not exactly the same shade as pink. However, it must be noted that these pictures are not authentic and were generated using artificial intelligence software such as MidJourney or DALL-E. It is currently unclear which AI tool was utilized to produce the phony James photographs that are presently gaining popularity on social media.

A certain counterfeit image has gained massive attention on Facebook, reaching over 260,000 views. It was even noticed by Politifact, an organization that confirms political statements. According to Politifact, some of the images circulating online depict James with fingers that are oddly disproportionate and even look like they belong to extraterrestrial beings. It is evident that AI technology still struggles to create believable-looking fingers in these viral false images.

Greta Gerwig’s latest movie, featuring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, is a unique blend of admiration and appraisal of Barbie’s history. With a box office collection of $200 million, the film has become a huge success for Warner Bros.

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